Emily Sue Harvey is the author of Unto These Hills, which chronicles unflappable mill hill girl, Sunny Acklin’s odyssey through the rugged terrain of high hopes, undying love, dashed dreams, scandal, betrayal, heartbreak and finally to forgiveness and redemption. Emily sits down to chat about writing with fellow StoryBundler Geoff Morrison.
I approached my first manuscript, A Rose in Time (unpublished), as therapy. After the death of my eleven year old daughter, Angie, I incorporated my memoirs into my college senior English Composition and Rhetoric class (with the permission of the professor) and the purging acted as a healing catharsis. Years later, I drew from that manuscript over and over to enrich stories and books.
I approached the next book determined to write not only a story but a good story, the kind that snares me and keeps me engaged. Through a Glass Darkly is still unpublished but that’s because I’ve not yet submitted it. I’m currently polishing and sharpening the plot.
The most recent published book, Cocoon, is a story I couldn’t wait to write. Based on a true story of a miraculous experience, I did extensive research and wove the tale together with lots of fun fiction. I was tired of dark places and subject matter at the time and wanted something upbeat in the creative process, sunshine breaking through and dappling the scenes. It worked for me. I loved every minute of the journey.
I learned that if I sat down daily, even when I did not feel creative, I would produce. That continues to work for me. I’ve never had writer’s block.
In my most recent book, Cocoon, I learned that truth is stranger than fiction, after all. And can be unbelievable if not tweaked a bit. And it’s such fun to be able to fictionalize truth in order to weave together a menagerie of “what ifs” that add action and adventure to maybe otherwise constrained narrative. That’s just a thimble-full of all I’ve learned with each new book I write.
I plan the skeleton of each story: the beginning and the end. Then I add the middle. Next, I brainstorm sub-plots that move the story. Then I do characterization profiles, very involved, whether I use it all or not. I know the character by the time I start writing the book. Last, I’m ready to flesh out the story.
The voice comes from my perception of who the character is and most of the time, is a composite of personalities I’ve known who I would ‘cast’ in a movie of that particular story.
I think “energy” at all times. Too, I think the fact that I majored in English in college, writing endless papers under scrutiny and criticism, plus the fact that I am a voracious reader who studies different authors’ styles and pacing gives me an edge on what works. I am and will always remain a student of Literature.
Yes, I think a writer can do overkill with description. I’ve found that the best policy is to slowly leak the description into the story rather than doing an in-your-face treatment. There are exceptions, of course. And it can be frustrating to not have enough description. But subtlety is always better, in my opinion, because it allows the reader’s imagination to come into play and create an image to their own liking.
I have a study where I always write. And nobody bothers my computer. Ever.
Most of the time I listen to easy-listening or light classical music as I write.
Both. Editing is second nature by now and I cannot write without editing all along. And then, of course, at the end, I do another under the microscope edit.
Depends on whether I have a writing assignment, as in contract. But I do other projects all along, between contractual obligations that keep me busy almost daily. I’m one of those who cannot “not” write. I do blogs all along as well as a newsletter to my old high school class on a quarterly schedule. I just finished a nonfiction book entitled, Breaking Through the Clouds, which includes most of my published and unpublished stories and articles, credits garnered through the years. As of this moment, a publisher is looking at it. I always have a book-idea floating around in my head, just waiting to be explored.
I can’t think of any. I am extremely focused when I’m writing a book and work sometimes four to six hours daily. Fortunately, my husband is okay with that and respects my goals. He is my greatest ally in this crazy business.
As a rule, nobody reads my entire book before publication with the exception of publisher and editor. Occasionally, I’ll ask Lee, my well-read hubby, to read a passage to see if it works. He’s really astute and honest with me and that helps.
I have a strong sense of family, and relationships are very important to me, so this comes across in my stories. I would advise any writer to delve more deeply into the human aspects of life, the how-tos of keeping relationships strong and harmonious. I would say the ingredient is “heart” writing.
That’s a tough one to answer. I’m an over achiever by nature and work for excellence at all times so I don’t really know what I would do differently. But I keep my eyes, ears, and mind open so as not to miss important tips on plotting and characterization.
Read, read, read! And make the reading material best sellers in the genre you love because that way, you will see what works and what doesn’t. Go to an annual writers workshop and join writer groups. I cannot over emphasize the impact those two things made in my career. I served on the board of Directors of Southeastern Writers Association for 25 plus years, and also as president for a term. But first, in my earlier writer-aspiration days, I studied diligently. It’s called paying dues.
I have so many, it’s difficult to pin down just a few names. But here goes: Pat Conroy, Ann Rivers-Sidons, Jan Karon, Fern Michaels, Rick Bragg and a host of others who are equally gifted. I have shelves of classics that I won’t part with. Two of my favorite classic writers are the Bronte sisters, Emily and Charlotte.
Cec Murphey, bestselling author of many, many books, was my early years mentor and he taught me to not be “wordy” but to write tight and concise. And most of all, I learned from several other authors that we must respect our readers and not do overkill. They are intelligent and will “get it” the first time.
The Bible.
I have shelves of How-to writing books but the most important lessons I learned were hard ones of trial and error and being willing to put my writing out there to be critiqued.
Actually, I am blessed that my publisher, Story Plant, commissioned Barbara Aronica Black to do all my covers so far. And she’s phenomenal. For Cocoon, I really wanted a butterfly to appear somewhere on the cover but decided to simply leave it up to Barbara and her amazing creativity. When I got the cover photo, there, perched just outside the cocoon was a beautiful golden butterfly. Awesome.
I thoroughly enjoyed being part of StoryBundle. I’m not sure about outside sales but I’m sure it helped.
After years of being featured in nonfiction publications such as Chicken Soup, Chocolate for Women and dozens of other venues, Emily Sue Harvey launched into the world of mainstream fiction. To date, six of her Southern-set novels have been published by Story Plant: Song of Renewal, Flavors, Homefires, Space, Unto These Hills, and Cocoon. Unto These Hills reached best seller status recently. Her sixth, Breaking Through the Clouds is a nonfiction Inspirational book, now being considered for publication. Emily Sue does speaking engagements and book clubs. You can find her at her website, email, or her Facebook fan page.
Geoffrey Morrison is a freelance writer and editor. His first novel, Undersea, was featured in the first StoryBundle. You can follow him on Twitter @TechWriterGeoff.