Discord is written by the eccentric Simon Watts and illustrated by the mysterious Michal Wojciechowski. Under the handle @Plaguejack Simon's first novel was featured in the first ever SPFBO. He met the freelance artist Michal Wojciechowski while searching for a cover artist and in late 2015 the duo began work on Discord. Simon operates out of Fredericksburg VA, while Michal lives and works in Poland. The two have never met, and both are largely self taught. Currently over 150 pages of Discord are free to read online at DiscordWebcomic.com

Discord by Simon Watts and Michal Wojciechowski

"The Multiverse has been mapped and charted, between the Dimensions exists Discord"

When her father takes a new job in Washington DC, young Flora Weaver arrives at her new home not knowing what to expect. During her first day exploring, she discovers the monolithic library Discord, which gives away the knowledge of the cosmos to those in need. She is recruited by the cunning and notoriously blunt alien Kashi Ozaka under mysterious circumstances.

When a patron's planet is threatened by a world devouring monster, the Discord crew must do everything they can to stop the destruction.


Between the 13 Dimensions exists Discord, the interdimensional library in which all cultures mingle. A whirlwind of colorful characters carry Discord's epic first volume. Worlds collide, or rather battle, in Writer Simon Watts and Artist Michal Wojciechowski's fantasy/sci-fi adventure. – Simon Watts



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