Editor Donna Scott is a director and former chair of the BSFA, as well as being a distinguished poet, writer, and stand-up comedian. Donna is also a free-lance editor who has worked behind the scenes for a number of major publishers over the course of several years. She has been the series editor for the Best of British Science Fiction since its launch in 2017.

Editor Donna Scott is a director and former chair of the BSFA, as well as being a distinguished poet, writer, and stand-up comedian. Donna is also a free-lance editor who has worked behind the scenes for a number of major publishers over the course of several years. She has been the series editor for the Best of British Science Fiction since its launch in 2017.

Editor Donna Scott is a director and former chair of the BSFA, as well as being a distinguished poet, writer, and stand-up comedian. Donna is also a free-lance editor who has worked behind the scenes for a number of major publishers over the course of several years. She has been the series editor for the Best of British Science Fiction since its launch in 2017.

Best of British Science Fiction 2018 edited by Donna Scott

Best of British Science Fiction 2018 contains twenty-six stories, selected by editor Donna Scott from a dauntingly large number of submissions; stories drawn from disparate places that represent some of the best Science Fiction published anywhere in 2018, all written by British or British-based authors.


Donna's a stand-up comic, a poet and an editor of note. She was also the chair of the British Science Fiction Association, thus claiming the very throne of British SF. She even edited Alan Moore's mammoth novel, Jerusalem! Here she collects some of the best British SF stories of our time, and if Donna picked them then you know they're special. – Lavie Tidhar





In choosing stories for this volume, I did feel inclined to avoid the sorts of stories that made big pronouncements in the narration about the way things are. Instead, there were plenty of great stories to choose from that evoke real human relationships, tangible characters facing soul-shattering dilemmas, imbued with emotional realism; stories which placed us in the heart of uncannily familiar worlds. We have stories that offer dreamlike glimpses of pristine worlds that will destroy us before we destroy them; we have stories of work-based friendships, mistrust and isolation; of alienation and othering; we have stories of slavery given an acceptable face through beautiful voice and the ever-present need to keep fighting injustice; we have stories of bodily choice being made a crime; we have stories of rebellions we thought we'd already had but need to have again; we have another end to childhood. And we have the murder of story itself… involving an AI.

Be entranced by skillful storytelling and beautiful language; be immersed in fascinating landscapes; be inspired to seek out more work by these wonderful storytellers.