Today, the Self-Published author community has migrated to a newer terminology. Indie Author. It means we're independent. We don't have a publisher. We are the publisher.
Before we get started, let me break down for you what Self-Publishing means:
1.You are publishing your own book.
2.You have to find an editor yourself.
3.You have to find a cover designer yourself.
4.You have to find a formatter yourself.
5.You have to do your own marketing.
Let's dig deeper into each one of those.
What does it mean to publish your own book? You must upload your cover and book file onto all the platforms.
An editor? Why do I need one of those? You should never self-edit. Even if you're an editor. You cannot see what's wrong because it's right inside of your head. You should try to polish it the best you can, but you need to get someone else's eyes on it. If you can't afford one, find a critique group or beta readers. We'll dig more in depth later.
Can't I make my own Book Cover? The answer is no. Or spend a LOT of time learning how to do covers. Even if you're already an artist, book covers are their own special kind of art. An excellent picture does not equal a good book cover. An example would be that artists typically fill out the entire page with their art, whereas if you fill out your entire book cover with art, when you place the title and author name on it, it could cover important parts of the art. And your typography is important. We'll dig into this deeper later as well.
Formatting? Who needs that? I wrote it in my Word Processor. That's formatted, right? I can just upload that, can't I? Microsoft Word, or any other Word Processor is not formatting. Formatting is an art, and while it's easier learned than editing and cover design, it must be learned properly. An example would be that if you open any professionally formatted book, you'll see the first paragraphs of each chapter are not indented. We'll dig into this deeper as well.
Marketing? Do I really need to do that too? Only if you want your book to sell. Not everyone does. You might just have a story inside of you that you need to get out. A memoir. That's fine. I'll only briefly talk about marketing in this book.
Are you ready to get started?
Overwhelmed? That's okay as well.