Every year in January, without fail, thousands of writers will set a 1,000-word daily writing goal. Most of us will write nowhere close to that number. If we wrote 1,000 words a day, which would take no more than one or two hours, we'd have written 365,000 words by the end of the year. Three novels. Write two hours a day and have three finished novels at the end of the year? That sounds doable, right?
So why don't you? Why don't I? Why don't most writers?
It's because most writers don't average 1,000 words a day; most don't come anywhere close to 500. We talk about writing. We read about writing. We obsess about writing. But often, we don't write.
This is not always your fault, as we'll explore in the book. But recognizing your trouble areas can help you go from no book a year to three books a year in no time. I've done it. You can, too.
Typically, however, writers fall into two camps—either we push too hard (overwhelm! burnout!) or we don't push hard enough. The latter leads to feeling bad, falling behind and struggling to catch up, which leads to overwhelm and burnout. Both situations wreak havoc in your life. What you should do is set reasonable daily targets and do whatever it takes to meet them.
Many of us beat ourselves up about not meeting goals. In certain situations, I think we're far too easy on ourselves as well. After my son was born, I suddenly found it much too convenient to forgive myself when I didn't meet my daily targets. I had the usual excuses at the ready—small child, a busy workday, a family to look after, and so on. But I was setting those goals for a reason. So either I had to scale down my goals and expectations or I had to stop letting myself off the hook for not meeting them.
There's a reason you picked up this book and are taking the time to read it. Ask yourself what's stopping you from writing. Is it truly a lack of time? You're undoubtedly a busy person, so maybe you can't write 1,000 words a day. Could you write 500? If not an hour, could you allocate a half hour or even fifteen minutes for your writing?
The only antidote to overwhelm is consistent action. Take care of that and you'll never feel overwhelmed again.
In this book, I'll guide you toward the process of doing that.
Are you ready to write? Let's begin.