HEART POUNDING, Britta Baldarus mentally prepared herself for danger.
The blonde-haired Thulian girl stepped up to the yawning cavern mouth, wearing only a bluish-silver titanium-mesh bodysuit with an emblematic numeral 3 on the belt buckle.
She paused. Ocean waves pounded against the rocky Maine coastline as she took a few moments to compose herself. Taking a deep breath, Britta closed her eyes. What would it be this time? she wondered. What dangers lay coiled, waiting to spring upon her, within the cave?
As ready as she would ever be, Britta opened her eyes. The impenetrable darkness seemed to stare back at her. She could almost imagine eyes floating in the shadowy, clotted surroundings.
She placed the ethereal crystal mask over her face. It adhered without apparent reason, molding perfectly to the soft flesh of her unblemished features. An opalescent gem embedded in the smooth forehead began to shine with a cool, eerie light.
A shift that she could not describe caused snow crystals to commence forming on the bare skin of her hands. And everywhere else. Her hair became a gossamer aura, like a myriad-stranded spiderweb coated in crystalline snow. Only her icy blue eyes remained unaltered. In a matter of seconds, Britta Baldarus frosted up, transforming into a teenaged girl seemingly composed of living snow. Bifrost of the 3 Valkyries, heir to the ancient power of the Frost Giants.
A mature male voice emanated from a concealed radio receiver sewn into the shoulder of her uniform.
"Britta," it rang out. "Remember that you face the unknown and the unexpected. Be prepared for both."
"Yes, Odin," returned Britta.
Somewhere in the darkness, a dim red light flared, signaling the start of the challenge. So Bifrost stepped forward, ready in mind and body.
The cavern was a rough gullet of granite, an unplumbable gulf. Britta was not fooled by its natural appearance as she padded cautiously on feet that made the sounds of hard-packed snow being stepped on. Every rude surface had the potential of cracking open or lifting up to expose a snare or weapon.
But no such eruptions came. Moments passed. Britta circled silently, icy eyes searching for the first hairline cracks that would warn of imminent peril.
All at once, the Cavern of the Norns came alive.