USA Today bestselling author Anthea Sharp grew up in an enchanted forest, and the library was her second home. Later, she discovered that books weren't the only portals to magical worlds, and she spent several years immersed in computer games. Unsurprisingly, her bestselling Feyland series is a portal fantasy, where a high-tech game opens a gateway to the treacherous Realm of Faerie. She's currently writing the Darkwood Chronicles, a series rich in fairytale elements, secret magic, and a touch of romance. Find out more at her website!

Faerie Hearts by Anthea Sharp

From a heroine of Celtic legend to an intrepid elf warrior, fall in love with these heroes bound by fate, who must fight for everything they hold dear in order to gain their happily ever afters. Inspired by legends and fairytales, each story is filled with adventure and enchantment. Every tale is accompanied by a gorgeous black and white illustration.

THE FAERIE MAIDEN OF THE OAKS - Based on an Irish legend, a fey woman marries the human lord who has captured her heart. But beware faerie bargains...

HEART OF THE FOREST - A prince becomes lost in a mystical forest, where he must fight for his life at the side of a moon-haired elf maiden who may hold the answer to his dreams. (Connected to the Darkwood series)

THE GIFT OF LOVE - Exploring the deep ties of family, a perceptive young woman works to heal the hurts of a wounded heart.

PRINCESS OF SALT - When a princess tells her father the truth, he banishes her from the castle. She must face many trials to gain back not only her true love, but the acceptance of her family once more.

THE WITCH OF THE WOODS - A brand new Celtic twist on Hansel & Gretel, where nothing is as it seems, and the woods hold their secrets close.


I love fairytale retellings, and bringing the resonance of Celtic legends into my books. This collection of tales focuses on the lighter, romantic side of the fae – though not without a few shadows and uncanny enchantments… – Anthea Sharp



  • "It's fairytales they're cute and some are totally swoon worthy or made me cry…If you love fairytales this is definitely worth reading."

    – Danae (Goodreads review)
  • "I do love the Darkwood world and all of the faery realms written about by Anthea Sharp. She has such lyrical descriptions, bringing to life the fantastic imagery of the imaginative faery world. And I love the mythology and folktales brought in, like the White Hart."

    – Gypsy M. (Amazon Review)
  • "I can never get enough from this author. Her stories are wonderful. They always capture my attention."

    – Susan (Amazon review)



Prince Kentry of Raine leaned low over his mount's lathered neck, his heartbeat echoing the thud of his horse's hooves, until he was a single pulse of purpose.

Ride. Hunt. He must capture the impossible creature fleeing before him—the fable he'd only half-believed, until the force of his need propelled him into the treacherous reaches of the forest.

Ahead, his quarry flickered through the trees in full, leaping flight. Flashes of sunlight limned the wide crown of its antlers, struck silver from its hide.

The White Hart.

One handed, Kent reached for the net slung across the pommel of his saddle. So close…

The creature veered off with a sudden burst of speed as the dark lacing of cedar branches opened to a clearing. Kent spurred his horse after it. The sharp scent of crushed ferns hung in the air as the pale shape of the stag vaulted back into the Darkwood's embrace.

Undaunted, he followed.

"Kentry! Prince!"


The shouts of his companions faded as he reentered the cool shadows beneath the trees. The White Hart fled along a game trail barely wide enough for Kent's mount to follow. Bushes raked at his sides and he was forced to duck to avoid low-hanging boughs. The wet, musty smell of upturned loam hung in the air.

Faster. Faster.

Surely he was closing the distance. Behind him, the mournful cry of a hunting horn sounded, as faint as a mother's call to her wayward child.

A red-breasted bird fluttered, startled, past his head. Shafts of sun speared through the evergreens, striking down like solid columns through the dark branches. Pale yellow flowers nodded on graceful stems, blurring past so quickly he scarcely glimpsed them. The path swerved around a bush laden with translucent red berries tucked among coin-shaped leaves.

Other than the rasp of his breathing, the silence pressed down. His horse's hoof beats were muffled by the carpet of cedar needles strewn over emerald moss. The birds had all stopped singing. No more shouts sounded behind him.

It was only him, his gelding, and the glowing White Hart leading him into the depths of the forest.

(From Heart of the Forest)