Cameron Cooper is the author of the Imperial Hammer space opera series, among others, and is the pen name used by best selling author Tracy Cooper-Posey. As Cameron Cooper, she writes science fiction short stories and novels, including space opera. She also writes fantasy as Taylen Carver.

She has published over 200 titles under all pen names since 1999, been nominated for five CAPAs including Favourite Author, and won the Emma Darcy Award. She turned to indie publishing in 2011. Her indie titles have been nominated four times for Book of The Year. Tracy won the award in 2012, a SFR Galaxy Award in 2016 and, as Cameron Cooper, came fourth in Hugh Howey's SPSFC#2 in 2023. She has been a national magazine editor, is currently a city magazine editor, and for a decade she taught romance writing at MacEwan University.

She is addicted to Irish Breakfast tea and chocolate, sometimes taken together. In her spare time she enjoys history, Sherlock Holmes, science fiction and fantasy and ignoring her treadmill. An Australian Canadian, she lives in Edmonton, Canada with her husband, a former professional wrestler, where she moved in 1996 after meeting him on-line.

Ptolemy Lane 1-3 by Cameron Cooper

Exclusive to! Enjoy the first three titles in Cameron Cooper's fast-paced space opera crime adventure series in one hot bundle.

Meet Ptolemy Jovan Lane, a unique peacemaker. Laws are hard to hold, out in the fringes of known space, but Ptolemy Lane is charged with maintaining peace under the dome of Georgina's Town, among humans, the docile emre and more.

1.0: The Body in the Zero Gee Brothel;

2.0: The Captain Who Broke the Rules;

3.0: The Maker of Widowmakers' Arm.


Cameron Cooper's output has provided a solid 1-2 punch combo from the start. The nom de plume of powerhouse Tracy Cooper-Posey, and this collection of stories shows the mastery Cooper has over science fiction. Ptolemy Lane is a hard-boiled detective in a much different setting than we're used to seeing those types in, and not only does it work, but it's phenomenol. - Dave Walsh



  • "I felt like I was in a black and white sci-fi avant-garde movie. Humphrey Bogart is in the background somewhere, smoking a Camel cigarette, or maybe a future Sherlock Holmes."

    – Reader Review About The Body in the Zero Gee Brothel
  • "This is an intricate plot, and every time you think you know where the author is taking you, you are wrong. Clever, action-packed and leaves you eager for the next installment! "

    – About The Captain Who Broke the Rules
  • "This is such a clever story! Its great lead character is intriguing and enigmatic, and his supporting cast just add to it. The plot is clever and kept me guessing right through to the end. I thoroughly enjoyed it! "

    – About The Maker of Widowmakers’ Arm



Chapter One

A stranger was sitting behind Ninety-Eight's desk when I strolled into the station on the morning of my 25,000th day on Abbatangelo. He was a nervous fellow with fine brown hair, big eyes and long fingers. I should have taken his appearance as a portent, but I just flat didn't care.

The nervous one gulped when he saw me. "Mr. Lane. Sir. I mean…do I call you Sherriff?"

"Not if you want me to answer." I was tempted to brush by but said, instead, "Who are you?"

"I…um…Hyland. Emily didn't tell you?"

I had just wanted to get to my desk and check messages, so I could call the day done and go home. A quart of Martian brandy, a gift from a client, was calling my name. Instead I swore and studied Nervous. "She quit on me?"

"She didn't tell you…" He picked at the controls on the smart desk. The film on the top was coming loose, which meant the desk wasn't as smart as it should be.

"That was the deal," I said. "She can quit whenever she wants, as long as she finds and trains a replacement. That's the deal with you, as well. Got it?"

"You've said that more than once before, haven't you?" Then he pressed his fingers to his lips as if he was more shocked than me by what he had said.

"Okay, listen, Ninety-Nine, we'll get along much better if—" I didn't get to finish, because his smart desk lit up.

He stared at it. I didn't think it was possible for his eyes to get bigger, but they did.

"That's your cue," I told him.

He prodded experimentally.

I reached over and tapped the connect button. The holograph formed over the top. I knew the man's face a little.

Ninety-Nine managed to stutter, "Ptolemy Lane's office."

The face frowned. "Lemme speak to Lane."

Ninety-Nine could see me through the hologram, so I shook my head.

"Mr. Lane says he's not here."

I sighed, reached through the head to spin the display to face me. "I'm here. Who are you?"

"Kumar. I'm the manager at the Desiderata—"

"No," I said.

He caught back his breath. "You don't know what I was going to say."

"Doesn't matter. You're a casino and brothel. That's out of my service area."

"You have a service area?" He sounded puzzled rather than offended. "I thought you covered all of Georgina's Town?"

"Except the casino and brothel. I told Guisy Oakmint so when he said he was going into business. I'm just one man and your joint is a crime magnet. Oakmint knows to clean up his own messes." And for eleven years, he had.

Kumar shook his head. "That's just it. It's Mr. Oakmint. He's dead."

I paused. Took in a breath or two. I knew Guisy enough to share a drink here and there, although the last serious conversation we'd had was when he told me about his new joint venture. "Sorry, kid," I told the manager. "But it's still not my concern. Call in Doc Lowry. He deals with bodies."

"Doc Lowry said you would be interested," Kumar said quickly, as I reached for the kill switch.

Damn it.

I pulled back my hand. "Doc said that? Why?"

Kumar glanced over his shoulder, then said, "Mr. Oakmint was murdered and we're pretty sure an undocumented human did it."

I rubbed the back of my neck to hide my reaction as something fizzed and flared in my gut. "I'll be there in fifteen," I told Kumar.