October Weeks wrote her first story when she was just five years old, and has not stopped writing since. Instead of adventures with talking animals, she writes about vampire hunters, ghost investigators, monster hunters, and other dark, fantastical worlds.

She currently lives in Vermont. When not reading or writing, she enjoys taking adventures of her own both close to home and to lands far away.

She also writes romance under the name Libby Bishop.

Over the River by October Weeks

The Weatherby Mills history books paint Joslyn Faust as a kind and generous woman who was willing to help any of her neighbors in need. Weatherby Mills lore, however, holds her ghost responsible for the deaths of four men.

Delilah Isles knows all the legends of the tri-towns: from the friendliest and nastiest of ghosts, to the dangerous and terrifying beasts and beings of the Dark and Glory. So when the case of the Faust Homestead lands on her desk, she is both intrigued and skeptical.

Working for the New England Spirit Society, she and her partner, Milly West, have seen spirits and non-human entities commit many brutal attacks. After all, the N.E.S.S. only investigates the most violent and disturbing cases. However, even with the four assaults contributed to Joslyn Faust, Delilah isn't certain the case is truly N.E.S.S. material. That all changes the first time she and Milly set foot on the Faust property and witness firsthand just how vicious the celebrated townswoman's spirit can be.


Paranormal investigative team? Malevolent ghosts? And an overarching mystery involving a psychic detective and her cursed inheritance? Over the River ticks all those boxes, and more. October has created an eerie world where the past is just a blink away. – Margaret Curelas



  • "…It's dark, fascinating, and filled with solid, believable lore. I thought everything in this book seemed well researched and put together. I could see this as a real tale of a haunting."

    – Amazon review
  • "This book is intense. Gifts and spirits and havoc. I couldn't stop turning the pages. Investigative initiatives and all that it brings at your fingertips to keep you glued to the story."

    – Amazon review
  • "…Very well written and pace was wonderful! I enjoyed it to no end and it made me remember how much I love a good mystery, with ghosts as a bonus!"

    – Amazon review



A strange feeling met them a few feet from the bridge. It wasn't the energy of the dead, but something was in the air, causing it to ebb and flow as if it were drawing in deep breaths but barely exhaling. The feeling was so strong that Delilah half-expected the ground to move up and down.

She strengthened her shield for the blow. Nothing and nobody inhaled like that without a consequence coming during the exhale. "She knew we were coming, but wasn't concerned, not until that last flash you got."

"Delilah." Milly's tone was thick with warning. "She's pissed."

A strong wind kicked up and pushed them backwards onto the snow. They managed to stand, hands connecting as they tried to run forward. The wind grew fierce, more suffocating, the harder they attempted to move forward. A heaviness settled in Delilah's chest as if hands were pressing down on her and trying to force her into submission. The snow gathered in the wind, entombing them, blinding them.

They couldn't move forward, only back. If they tried to push at the wall of wind too soon, their chances of getting out of the tempest unscathed would be slim to nil. Timing was everything when it came to fighting the dead and their energy.

"Push, Lilah!" Milly shouted. "Push against it now!"

Delilah thrust her energy outward like a bubble of steel, and Milly's energy collided with hers. It was enough to get their legs moving in the right direction. They kept their energy in a bubble around them and ran across the bridge against the wind, the wood groaning and creaking.

Everything went dead quiet the moment they were on the other side. They turned, still hand and hand, and saw the snow fall back to the ground in a beautiful cascade of white.