Jutoh is suitable for creating ebooks for books with relatively simple formatting requirements. So, it's great for novels, self-improvement books, biographies, and so on, but not so good for mathematics textbooks.

50% off Jutoh and 75% off Jutoh Plus! by Jutoh

Jutoh is a sophisticated e-book editor for Windows, Mac and Linux. Create professional-looking e-books for Kindle, Apple Books, Kobo, Barnes & Noble and more; import from existing Word, OpenDocument, HTML and Epub files; create, edit and format your content; check for problems before uploading your book.

Jutoh Plus adds further time-saving features, including: simple scripts for automating Jutoh operations; an HTML template system; customizable automated error-checking for punctuation, spelling and other errors; and a tool to help automate the creation of multiple e-books customized for individual customers.