T. Thorn Coyle is the author of several magic-filled series with diverse casts: the Seashell Cove Paranormal Mysteries, the Pride Street Paranormal Cozy Mysteries, The Steel Clan Saga, The Witches of Portland, the Mouse Thief Cozy Fantasy Capers, and The Panther Chronicles. Thorn's multiple non-fiction books include You Are the Spell, Sigil Magic for Writers, Artists & Other Creatives, Kissing the Limitless, Make Magic of Your Life, and The Midlist Indie Author Mindset.

Thorn lives in beautiful Portland Oregon where they drink tea, go for walks, and talk to crows, squirrels, and trees.

Sigil Magic by T. Thorn Coyle

Designed to help writers and artists keep focus and fuel their craft, this book will help you practice what you need to open your creative flow and activate success—whatever that looks like to you—in all of your creative endeavors.

Sigils are symbolic signatures that help us to focus our intentions and send them out into the world. Sigils can assist us with any creative venture: from writing novels and prepping art shows, to building lives filled with curiosity, wonder, and success. Sigil Magic walks us through a variety of ways to generate and charge up our sigils, and includes instructions for preparation and cleansing, working with intentional statements, and using magical mantras and a variety of sigils types.

Take a risk. Make your mark.


Before Thorn moved to full-time fiction writing, they spoke all over the world about magic and magical practice. Now they're bringing their magical expertise to writing and other creative endeavors, showing you how to focus on your creativity and expand your craft. – Kristine Kathryn Rusch



  • "a practical and modern approach to empowering yourself and gaining tools to enhance your creative process."

    – S. Rogers
  • "Focusing on what it takes to create, and more importantly to produce good work provides solid and necessary background for the Sigil Sorcery."

    – Jason Miller
  • "Sigil Magic for Writers, Artists, & Other Creatives provides exactly what's on the tin. Thorn focuses on just what creative types can use to give a magical boost to their work & lives."

    – Jack Johnson



We are told to "write what you know" not because we need to be faithful only to our lived experiences but because we need to risk the knowledge that expands us. When we risk knowledge of ourselves and of the world, a greater magic happens, because we've built a bigger bonfire to dance around.

But we all start where we are. We learn. We light a candle first and see what illumination that offers. We blow a tentative breath across a dandelion and see which direction the seeds scatter. The stronger the breath, the further the reach of the seeds.

The more deeply we connect with our own hopes, fears, and desires—and the more broadly or pointedly we connect with the cosmos—the stronger our magic and the more potent our art…. Art breaks and art builds. Whether you are a DJ figuring out what will crack open the dance floor or a writer struggling to be free, I hope the sigil magic in this book will inspire, embolden, and cause something inside you to want to riot. Or maybe the magic held in this book will simply make you want to wake up and create something tomorrow. And the next day. And the day that follows that.