November is an exciting time for writers.
It means a large portion of them buckle down and butt in chair, hands on keyboard, write a book. Or at least try to write 50,000 words toward a book.
While some people love to just sit and pound away at the keys creating a story regardless of any real plot, or pre-writing work—others feel that dedicating thirty days out of their normal writing schedule to write a story is wasteful if there is no planning, and no structure to the story. A lot of the time, for some writers, a story with no planning or structure takes more time to revise and edit into something publishable.
This workbook is designed to take a whole book idea and attack the planning of it one bite at a time, one day at a time. If you start this workbook and start planning on October first, you can take each small piece one day at a time and not feel a crush of panic as November approaches.
Remember, there are no rules for this workbook in spite of the design of it. You can do it one at a time, five, or ten at a time or however you want to. You can sit down and do this workbook in October, or any time of the year.
Regardless, enjoy it, and in the words of Douglas Adams, "Don't Panic!"