Fairy tales are the stories we tell and re-tell from one generation to the next. Many of them have been around for centuries, some even for millennia. While many other stories have been forgotten, these are the ones that have endured, have been told and retold up to the present day. And with every retelling, these stories have changed, evolved to better meet a new audience's needs and expectations. They have become mirrors of our societies, revealing the things we have changed, consciously and unconsciously, and the things we have not, the things that always lurk right under the surface, hidden in the darkest corners of our souls. Some of the things that wait for us in these stories are truly terrifying, while others are incredibly bizarre. All are a part of who we are.
Many of the stories in this collection start with a simple question, a loose strand that doesn't quite seem to fit. What if Rapunzel's hair never stops growing? What if the Beast likes being the Beast? And how come of all the women in all the realm only Cinderella has feet fine enough to fit into her forgotten shoe? Does she really have the smallest feet in all the land? Is she a child? Is her prince a paedophile? … These are the kind of questions that this collection tries – and generally fails – to answer. You might find these attempts illuminating. Or not. Wildly entertaining. Or not. Mildly to profoundly disturbing. Or not. Should all else fail, they have the virtue of forming a mercifully short collection.
Cover Art: Carolina Cancanilla.