In a country town in the Principality of Alpennia, in the wake of the Napoleonic wars, Margerit Sovitre is on the brink of resigning herself to the fate of an orphan of only moderate means—marriage to the first respectable man who offers. Her expectations change abruptly when her wealthy and eccentric godfather, Baron Saveze, leaves her a fortune...and a bodyguard of mysterious origins known only as Barbara. Margerit's relations see only a more ambitious marriage, but for Margerit, her new wealth means a chance to study at the university, where she begins to unlock the meaning behind her mystic visions.
Thaumaturgy offers a new path to her...and new dangers. The new Baron Saveze wants revenge for the loss of his expected inheritance. Politics around the royal succession create traps for the unwary, and the line between thaumaturgy and sorcery can depend on which side prevails.
At every turn, Barbara stands between Margerit and every danger, whether physical or political, as service turns to friendship, and to something deeper and more hazardous. But Barbara has her own mysteries to solve, and the answer could plunge them both into further peril or be their salvation.